Tigersharks Practice Time Changer - Important


    Let me apologize about the last minute time changes to morning practice times. Evening practices times will stay the same

    After tryouts and then setting up the Rookie groups we realized we needed to adjust the arrival and departure times for each group. These changes were made to ensure COVID physical distancing as swimmers arrive and leave and were also made to accommodate Max's Swim School.  

    Group     Arrive Time.     Departure Time

    JR1            8:00                   9:05

    Rookie 1    8:05.                  8:55

    Rookie 2    9:00.                  9:50

    JR 2.          9:10                 10:15

    Pre-SR.    10:20                 11:50

    While these times have only changed by a little, Please let me know if these changes cause any hardships on your part, and we will see what we can do.

    As always please let me know what questions you have.

    Coach John

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